Melissa A.

Melissa A.
West House
Topic: Aviation
Essential Question: What is most essential in being successful in the cadet program at Civil Air Patrol?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Blog 8: What I've Learned So Far

1) What have you learned how to do since you started working on your senior project?
In first starting the senior project I have learned to ask anything possible. This may seem like frivolous, but when I was searching for a possible project topic I didn't know where to begin. I asked everyone I knew for possible ideas. When I finally knew that I wanted to do aviation for my project I needed to figure out where I could do my service learning. With my first interview, Pat Hacker, I learned that I could possibly do my service learning at the Civil Air Patrol. I now go to the Civil Air Patrol every Monday for the cadet program and I really enjoy it. 
With spending more time at Civil Air Patrol I have learned what I can accomplish in the near future. I recently made a self propelled rocket. Although simple in design, it gave me a brief preview of what is ahead. In the coming weeks at Civil Air Patrol we will be making rockets in preparation for ROCStock in mid November. ROCStock is when you can take a rocket you have made and launch it or you can simply go to observe. Just last week we have gotten information on the some of the founders of the rocket. 

2) Post evidence of this accomplishment.  It can be in the form of a picture, video, document, etc..

This is a photo of the rocket I made, its really simple and fun to make.
3) What research helped you to do this and how?

  • One important source was my first interview, Pat Hacker, as she told me of the Civil Air Patrol. 
  • In first researching Civil Air Patrol as a possible service learning place I have found that Civil Air Patrol's website to be helpful in explaining the cadet program and where I could join.
  • Other research that has helped me has been an article that gives information on how an airplane works. With this information that I have learned I can apply it to building my own rocket for ROCStock.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Blog 7: Independent Component One Plan Approval

1. Write a description of what you plan on doing for your independent study component.
 For my first independent component I will be working one becoming more physically fit for the CAP (Civil Air Patrol). By this I want to improve by working on cardio, strength training, and endurance.

2. Describe in detail how you think your plan will meet the 30 hours work requirement.
In order to complete the 30 hours of work requirement, I will plan to keep a journal of my progress. I will do physical activities for 5 days a week for thirty minutes each. In that time I hope to improve my mile time, the amount of push-ups I can do, and as well as weight training.
3. How does your independent study component relate to your EQ?   
This independent component relates to my essential question because the CAP has hands on training for cadets, so that they can be physically fit for challenges that they may face.  In addition, the CAP prepares cadets that are interested in the Air Force for what they will encounter in being in the Air Force. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Blog 6: Essential Question Draft One

1. What is your EQ? 
What is most essential in being successful in the cadet program at Civil Air Patrol?
2. Define the words in your EQ to make sure we are on the same page regarding what your EQ means.
  • Successful: Being able to accomplish the different levels of ranking (the sixteen-step program) for cadets at CAP. Also having learned from CAP applied to other aspects of life. 
  • Cadet Program: To educate cadets in aerospace, train to be physically fit, leadership, and moral leadership. The Cadet Program is a sixteen-step program that uses aviation as it's bases for learning. 
3. What are some possible answers to your EQ so far? Some possible answers to my essential question are 
  • team work
  • communication
  • physical fitness 
  • knowledge of aerospace
4. What has been your most important source and why?  Be specific.  If it is a person, name them and what they do, if it is an article, book or video, name the title and author. So far my most important source for solving my essential question is being a cadet in the Civil Air Program. I so far have seen the cadets in marching formations, how they work together, and moving up in ranks. 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Blog 5: Second Interview

1. Whats your background in aviation? 
2. What is Civil Air Patrol?
3. What made you want to join the CAP?
4. What are some opportunities that CAP can provide?
5. What is the CAP cadet program?
6. Did you ever participate in the CAP cadet program? If not with CAP, what other programs?
7. How long have you been involved with CAP?
8. Other than being in CAP what other sorts of aviation activities do you participate in?