Melissa A.

Melissa A.
West House
Topic: Aviation
Essential Question: What is most essential in being successful in the cadet program at Civil Air Patrol?

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Blog 20: Room Creativity

(1) How do you plan to address the room creativity expectation?
I plan on addressing the room creativity expectation by covering the walls with either black, blue, camouflage. Then asking my if squadron if I can borrow the CAP flags. I Also would want to display my certificates from my second independent component. I would want the tables in groups so that they can work in teams for my activities. 
(2) What activity ideas do you ha
ve for answer 1 or 2? 
For answer one I could have the students perform drill, like my 20 min presentation and have it be a team effort. For answer two I would give the students a paper with different situations that best show the CAP Core Values. 

Research Check 14

The cadet NCO and The Team

Professionalism: in everyday terms is a professional who is someone who gets paid for their work
In CAP a professional is
-have a habit of putting their community interest above their own
-have special skill (knowledge or experience)
-hold themselves and their peers to an ethical code (respect moral principals)
Standards:"The leader's example is the most important standard of all."
-a standard is an established requirement, a principal which a standard can be judged.
-it is vital that a leader set clear standards and communicate them to the team.
-the leader's example is the most important standard of them all.
-standards are not always "black and white" it can vary on the situation
The Non-Commissioned Officer:
-Air Force non-commissioned officers epitomize the Core Values.
-The transition from airman to sergeant can be difficult. It involves one who was cared for to now caring for others and from one who was taught to one who teaches.
-Rank does not confer privilege or power but gives respondibility.
Respondibility and the NCO:
-Must show the core values.
-Neeed to be able to guide,instruct, and mentor by sharing their experiences and knowledge.
-Must support the their own leaders
-Reward those that you closely work with to point them out as role models.
-Correct people so that they can learn the correct way.
-Career council cadets to show them what can be possible in the Air Force or CAP.
-Keeep learning both at CAP and accademically.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Blog 19: Answer Two

  • EQ: What is most essential in being successful in the Civil Air Patrol Cadet Program? 
  • Answer 2: As a cadet in Civil Air Patrol you are expected to have the qualities that is the CAP Core Values. This includes Integrity, Volunteer Service, Excellence in All We Do, and Respect. 
  • Evidence: The CAP Core Value of Integrity is show as taking responsibility and don't blame someone or take credit for their work. Volunteer service is the act of selfness, its like when a higher ranked cadet mentor and train a new cadet. Excellence in All We Do, is giving your best effort no matter the challenge, this is like when performing physical fitness and pushing yourself to do more. Lastly, Respect, this is evident in the relationship between sergeant and cadet.  
  • Source: My first piece of evidence is Sgt. Gardner, the second is service learning, and lastly my Lear To Lead booklet. 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Blog 18: The Product

As of March, my product is that I know how to act in different environments.
My service learning- When I go to service learning I wear a uniform, perform drills, and act militaristic.  I  give respect to the squadron leaders, take off my hat when I enter a room, and salute to officers. I also before every time I wear my uniform that boots are shined, uniform is ironed properly, and have no loose strings on my uniform.  Service Learning

My 20 min Presentation- For my 20 min i presented on drills. I kept it professional by wearing my Civil Air Patrol Uniform and showing the class how to perform drills by showing them by example. I would repeat each step so that the class could see each step, this I would only do to teach the students.

Science Fair- For science fair I had to stay professional, out of respect for the judges. Also I had to be able to explain my science experiment using the terminology that is appropriate. My evidence would be getting almost perfect scores from the judges durning science fair.

Overall, Each example above is how I act differently in each situation. When I go to a CAP metting Im professional, 20 min presentation Im professional and instructor, and lastly science fair I was professional and knowledgable for my project.